Friday 23 April 2010

Season 1-11 Boxset - Restored & Revamped?

You may have heard that the complete series from seasons 1-9 will be getting re-released alongside 10 & 11 for a complete boxset, something tells me that because you may have seen this...:
The covers for 10 & 11 are getting a re-vamp, but something tells me that the covers for 1-9 will have the same effect too.

Also, the bffc have listed the content for season 1 & 2 which both contains the 65th Anniversary promo and title cards each, meaning that they are being re-issued, which could bring a strong possibility that season 1-3 will be getting restored picture.

They also have relisted seasons 8 & 9 with title card's each along with the same promo.

If these appear to be true, I might consider myself selling my old season 1-9 DVD's at a big car boot sale near me later in the summer to get the boxset that will be cheaper than all previous 9 combined, which will hopefully have the earlier series restored, and all updated with covers, ident's and promo's included.


  1. I've been entertaining similar thoughts; that the reappearence of Series 1 and 2 on BBFC could mean those two seasons being digitally restored when they are eventually released. It'll be a dream come true - the restored episodes on the recent "Best of Thomas" DVD proved how much restoration can improve your the viewing experience. Let's hope your prediction comes true.

  2. if series 10 comes out may when is series 11 getting reasled probley sometime in summer
