Friday 7 May 2010

Amazon Pre-order on Misty Island have now made the latest and upcoming Misty Island Rescue special available for Pre-order in the UK. The special will be shown in Vue Cinemas across the UK on October 2nd & 3rd while 8 days later, the special hits DVD Shelves on October 11th.

No word yet on the running time for the DVD although it is likely to be between 58-60 mins along with at least a couple of bonus features, possibly a new music video?

The cover is also likely to be a variation on the image below with the U classification rating and maybe a little banner on the top reading feature length special, or something but let's hope they keep the fun cast list names of Thomas, Bash, Dash and Ferdinand.
You can now Pre-order the DVD off for the fair price of £9.69 with P&P although I will order mine off as they offer free delivery for every single item, and get it delivered 2 days before the actual release date.

Misty Island Rescue hits UK DVD shelves on October 11th 2010.

1 comment:

  1. I swear, a trailer for this movie should be out by now, or at least by the end of May. BTW when do the remaining season 13 DVDs come out? There'll probably be a trailer on one of them and on The 'Greatest Stories' DVD
