Tuesday 13 July 2010

Klausner hints more on 2011 movie

Writer Josh Klausner has reponded to questions on his Twitter, concerning the upcoming 2011 Thomas movie.
When asked by Twitter user ClockWorkMedia (UnknownThomasFan1 on YouTube) if it's true he is writing a Thomas tank film that is set in World War 2?, Klausner replied, there's more to it than that, but at the moment the story does have to do with that time period...

He also asked Klausner if a character named Diesel 10 is involved in the film?, to which Klausner responded by saying, Not at this time... though there are Diesels... 

The rumours continue.....


  1. That's somewhat comforting, somewhat disappointing. I surely hope that it is a GOOD Thomas movie, and not a WWII-era-TATMR-2-type-comedy-fantasy disgrace... Thanks for the update TopHat! :D

  2. Well, perhaps there are 2 future films coming out. 1 written by the usual special writer, Sharon Miller, featuring Diesel 10, because D10 CLEARLY, almost spelled out that he would be appearing in SOMETHING. Perhaps this will be released straight to DVD, with a few showings in cinemas, like HOTR, MIR, and TGD, which were also done in this style. Perhaps the D10 film will be a new straight to DVD Special.
    And then, there may also be the WW2 one, that may be the THEATRICAL film that HiT has spoken about.

  3. I think this film may be either a war between steam engines and diesels or a film profiling the engines back in the 40's. I'm just glad it's not a Thomas and the Magic Railroad 2 sort of movie, I hated the first TATMR

  4. No1ThomasLover15 July 2010 at 08:05

    well, I wonder what diesels they are, since there weren't very many in England during the war.

  5. This guy better not screw up like Shrek the th-..... that movie that must not be named.

  6. Anonymous said...
    maybe the movie is about thomas going back to seeing how he became so great,or he meets the rev.w awdry. or maybe thomas does back to save engines tht are in the war and brings them back to sodor. just throwing out some ideas on how WWII is now part of thomas. hit entainment appoved violence for a thomas movie!

  7. I think it's not acturlly going to be over HiT's control, I think they have said 'look, go ahead and make a Thomas movie under lisence from us' I feel the movie will bring Thomas back to his old glory, trying to think of the stories nether Awdry or Allcroft ever got to tell, but would have, I mean, to think the very first Thomas stories were written during WW2, and in this, I hope Josh Klausner studys Thomas's history and how it could work with what all the Thomas charaters were doing during the war, I mean to think it was before the Thomas stories were ever written, and before most of Thomas's friends came to Sodor, I mean you would only have Thomas, Edward, Gordon, Henry,and all the engines on the narrow gauge railways, in which being piolet shunting at Vicarstown, Thomas would have never met, and one more thing, I hope he remembers Thomas's post on the railway back then too.

  8. I wonder if Rosie, with a more tougher attitude and black paint, will appear in this movie.

  9. Rosie with black paint? Everyone knows she's purple!

  10. Very excited for this but John has got to read up on the history of it more. Smart move having it set back in WW2 when the stories originated. Thing is only Thomas, Edward, Henry(old shape), Gordon, and James were featured but I think they will still show Percy and Toby because they're also part of the steam team and Emily will be in it too.

  11. here's my idea, what if the diesels who are the bad guys send Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Toby, Emily and Spencer on a conveor belt headed right for an engine crusher where piles of scrap metal are banged, crushed, broken and melted. Diesel ends up on the conveor belt with them and spots an emergency stop lever to save everyone. Thomas and his fireds boost Diesel to push it but instead of pushing it, Diesel speeds it up and watches with interest. The engines try to reverese but run out of coal and water in the process so buffer to buffer, friend to friend, the engines huddle and face their fate the best way they can.... together. A dramatic scene takes place which makes the audience scielent and a tear jerking moment is within the sequence when they know thery're not going to make it out alive. Right when they think they're about to die, The conveor belt moves backwards and the engine crusher breaks saving them in the process. The engines are soon safe and were very happy but want to find Diesel and teach him a lesson. As soon as they are repaired, the engines go and try to find Diesel but they soon see Diesel has already been banged up from another crusher and wasn't going to be huffing off anytime soon! anyway this is just a little something I came up with and this would be a good part towards the end of the movie. I hope you guys like this

  12. That sounds too much like the Incinerator scene from Toy Story 3!

  13. Anyone hear the news? The movie's gonna mix REAL ENGINES AND CGI!!!!!! No models, REAL ENGINES!!!!!!!

  14. This is AWESOME!!!!!!Because i love Thomas,& i love WWII too.so it combines some of my favorite things!Too bad it comes out in 2011 though.

  15. I hope it won't be a Feature-Length Special but
    come out in all theaters like"Thomas And The Magic Railroad.

  16. i hope it brings the comedy back from TATMR,but not the magic because I like realistic movies,or at least one that makes sense.

    P.S.The original script of TATMR was way better
    than the directors cut.

  17. Does anyone still believe that the director's cut of "Thomas And The Magic RailRoad" can be released someday, possibly 'piggyback-riding' the World War Two 'Thomas The Tank Engine' in 2014 (plase respond to this comment when you have the time)?
