Saturday 10 July 2010

S1-11 Boxset - Pics and ready for pre-order!

Asda Entertainment have published images and pre-order information on the Season 1-11 boxset.
It was originally slated to be released in November but Asda have made it exclusive for a July 19th release. All covers have been revamped, so my prediction was right! The box has a cartoon image of Thomas while the covers include Thomas with an engine beside him referring to the series number.
Since it is my birthday on Monday, I have already ordered it!

The Season 1-11 boxset is released as an Asda exclusive on July 19th 2010.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! As far as I know, there are no plans for a release like this in the US. Too bad for guys like me. :( Do you think you could get a video of the set for YouTube when you get it? I'd love to see it in more detail! :)
