Friday 30 July 2010

TheTopHatts attending MIR Leicester Square premiere!!!

I am officially going to the Leicester Square premiere of Misty Island Rescue in London on Saturday October 2nd 2010 at 10:30!!!!

I am ecstatic at the chance of going there, it is just a 1 hour 30 minute drive from my house, which is why my Dad has agreed to come with me!!! I'm not telling you how I got the 2 tickets, I will say that they are 100% official, but I will tell my close friends on YouTube who I trust, like Chris Thomson.

I will be posting a video of it on YouTube, BUT NOT OF THE PREMIERE. Why you may ask, because Vue noted that bag searches are carried, so I can only record on my camera only when I enter the cinema and when I'm done.

...and that's about it, I'M GOING TO THE PREMIERE!!!!!

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