Sunday 17 October 2010

Confirmed:' Henry's Magic Box' for Christmas

There has been a fair amount of rumours as to why Henry's Magic Box from the current Season Fourteen is not being shown in the last week of broadcast here in the UK.

My good friend Daniel Coffey (BusterTheSteamroller on YouTube) had sent five an email questioning when it will be broadcast.
five have since confirmed that Henry's christmas episode will be pushed back, as this extract from the email shows; Yes we are indeed holding the final episode back until Christmas so it hasn't gone missing and will definitely be shown this year!

Now as a Thomas fan myself, I am dissapointed that the remainder episode of Season Fourteen is going be a while till it's on TV but I am not going to view the US version at all. One reason I will mention is because the UK voice cast is more superior than the US one .

Season Fourteen of Thomas & Friends continues on five and five HD in the UK on Monday 18th October 2010 at 8:35am, while Henry's Magic Box will be shown at Christmas time, later this year.

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