Thursday 25 November 2010

Thomas' Demand page revamped

FIVE have revamped their website which has also affected Thomas' On Demand page.

The broadcaster who is responsible for premiering the newest episodes of Thomas & Friends since 2008's Season Twelve still however have made some of Thomas' episodes On Demand, still available for viewing.
Seasons Twelve and Thirteen are to remain On Demand up until September 1st 2011, opting for a possible extension afterwards to keep the episodes for viewing pleasure.

The recent Season Fourteen however has yet to appear on the service but should be likely as the first two CGI series are available, while episode guides are only available for Seasons Nine-Eleven and Fourteen.


  1. Since you made your original post a few hours ago, they've gone and updated it completely to include Series 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.

    It seems they work fast...!

  2. Not really. The page had been revamped since a week ago.

    Also, I did mention the other series at the end of my post, mentioning that four of the series have episode guides.
