Sunday 29 May 2011

YouTube: 'All You Need' release date

After a long period of three months, my music video remix of the All You Need song is finally coming to YouTube.

Yes it has been three months since I started work on it on February 22nd but the main reason for the long wait was because of time constraints as I was busy with college work.
Another reason was due to some editing wizardry which will be seen at the beginning of the video along with the task to extend and remix the song.

However my remix is very nearly finished while I am currently putting the finishing touches to the video. This will be my first new video on YouTube since the last Misty Island Rescue themed video on January 14th.

Be sure to look out for some teasers as to what you will see in the music video on Tuesday.....

Thomas & Friends - TheTopHatts' 'All You Need'
- Season Fourteen Music Video Remix
Arriving on YouTube on
Friday June 3rd 2011

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