Sunday 5 June 2011

YouTube: 'All You Need' finally arrives

I am pleased to announced that my remix of the All You Need song is now ready to watch on YouTube.

Yes it is finally here although I am miffed that it wasn't ready on Friday which I can explain.

Originally it was supposed to go out on Friday and was going to be uploaded sometime in the afternoon, however there were problems.
There were four errors in the music video that needed to be sorted such as removing the milkshake watermark and making sure that there were no blinking in the video.

For any of you who don't know what I mean by blinking, basically at least two clips that were used when imported into Sony Vegas flashed into black several times.

However at least one scene had to replaced which would have involved a shot of Percy pushing flatbeds in Thomas' Crazy Day. This was replaced by a shot of Emily from Time for a Story.

The other problem was the render as I had to wait 5 hours and 15 minutes to save the video and see it in it's final form which took a lot of time.
But now it is finally here, with some suprises, more of Thomas' friends involved and featured in 1080p HD, All You Need is here on a Sunday and so I do apologise deeply for anyone who was raring to view it on Friday.

I am very sorry for the delay but as a result and this is how dedicated I am to Thomas and it's fan community, I was away from the internet for three days, just trying to sort the video out.

In the description tab of the video, you fans can indeed download my remix as a mp3 or alternatively click on the download link at the bottom of this post. I would recommend watching the video in 720p HD.

As for the Sing-A-Long version of the song, because of Friday's unfortunate delay and that I would need time, the Sing-A-Long won't be up till this coming Friday.

I would very much love to hear your views on my latest video in the comments section.



  1. I enjoyed watching this remix and Well done, all the footage was wonderfully selected.

    5/5 from me, Keep up the excellent work.


  2. I was awestruck by this wonderful remix of "All You Need"! The remix AND the footage of the video was stunning and spectacular! Well done on creating this! I must assume that with all the blood, sweat and tears that you put into the making of that, you should have a 1st place medel!
