Friday 10 June 2011

YouTube: 'All You Need' is a Sing-A-Long

Targeted for a family friendly audience, a sing-a-long version of my All You Need remix is now available to watch on YouTube.

Children can now follow the lyrics and try to sing-a-long with the song and maybe have a bit of a dance!
Edits in the video include the removal of the end credits sequence and the caption at the beginning of the video.

Well that's it! Or is it? Everyone asks me the same question, what are you doing next? Well I am currently constructing the audio for a new video, but it is not exactly a remake.....

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the sing along version! I DID have a good time singing-along! About your next video. Will it be a instrumental of a classic Thomas song (like "Really Useful Engine")?
    Until then, Keep it up! :)
