Monday 10 October 2011

Hilary Fortnam slams 'Christmas' removal saga

Hilary Fortnam, one of the Rev. W. Awdry's children has criticised the replacement of the Christmas term becoming Winter Holidays.

In an open letter to The Telegraph, Fortnam wrote a statement showing her dismay; It is not what my father, the Reverend Wilbert Awdry, wrote.

He always impressed on reporters and publishers that he “was a priest first and a children’s author second. Christmas, signifying the birth of Christ, was always very important to him.
He would feel very strongly about this politically correct age, and that those who now write his stories should not take Christ out of Christmas. Political correctness against Christian beliefs offends.

The subject in question comes from the removal as seen in the Keeping Up With James TV Series episode, however many reporters have missed out the later and current episodes that still carry on the affair.
A spokeswoman for Hit Entertainment has spoken out to Channel 4 News where she has assured people that the wrong impression is being given out.

Hit Entertainment has no policy against celebrating Christmas and any assertion to the contrary is incorrect.

In fact, we actively embrace Christmas, recognising that it is a period of joy and celebration for many children around the world. I would understand why she would want to preserve her father’s legacy.


1 comment:

  1. It's good that a member of the Awdry family has spoken out. Maybe hearing it from the creator's family will make HIT think twice about the "Winter Holidays"
