Thursday 17 November 2011

'The Birthday Express' delayed for second time

Mixed animation release, The Birthday Express which was originally meant to be released in the UK for 2011 will come next year instead.

The move revealed by now bills the DVD for a mid January 2012 release. It's original date, July 11th 2011 was pushed back to December 12th, to the current finalised latest.
On a more positive note, amazon have published it's official cover, retaining it's US likeness with the additional text; Includes Exclusive Activities & Fun with Mr. Perkins!

It is expected to include the episodes Percy's Parcel, Double Trouble, The Man in the Hills and The Party Surprise alongside the reprise of Driver Perkins.
The Birthday Express hits UK DVD shelves at the new date of January 16th 2012.


  1. I don't really think its that much dissapointing, the date for December 12th may have been wrong, MWW if it not have been pushed back would of been better, but i think next year is a better time for it rather than Christmas...


  2. What a shocker... Not that it's delayed, that it's exactly the same as the US release... Oh well, more money for Christmas presents for my family. Then again, I wouldn't buy it anyway, even if it was released before Christmas

  3. It will make the perfect Christmas gift for my three nephews.
