Monday 9 January 2012

Competitions arise for 'In Charge!' and 'Best of' DVD's

babyworld and Families are offering UK Thomas fans the chance to win three DVD's each ranging from the January to February months of 2012.

Both websites will be rolling out copies of Thomas in Charge!, The Best of James and The Best of Percy in complete packages to selected winners.
babyworld have noted that only four people will claim the victory in their rule whilst Families have nailed down giveaways to three.

However, in order to enter the retrospective competitions, users must create accounts before proceeding. 
babyworld's entries closure comes in at January 31st whereas Families' version ends a day after on February 1st.

Thomas in Charge! hits UK DVD shelves on January 23rd followed by The Best of James and The Best of Percy both on February 6th 2012.


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