Wednesday 8 February 2012

ABC schedule shows Season Sixteen titles for Week Two

ABC's online television schedule have revealed the episode titles towards the sixth to tenth episodes of the Sixteenth Season.

With no descriptions or plot lines added, the episode titles have already provoked a negative response on the SiF Forums, despite their airing weeks away.
Flash Bang Wallop, Thomas and the Rubbish Train, Thomas Toots the Crows, Bust My Buffers and Percy and the Calliope are the next lot to be shown in the UK and Australia.

digiguide are due to update it's UK schedule at the start of the weekend which shall lead to sextet's summaries.

Season Sixteen of Thomas & Friends starts airing in Australia on ABC2 starting from Thursday February 16th 2012 at 2:55pm, everyday of the week.

Channel 5 in the UK will show the new series on their milkshake! slot on Monday February 20th 2012 at 7:35am five days a week, excluding the weekend. Further episodes are due to be clarified in the schedules.


  1. I'm not surprised SIF has been negative about these episode; the titles sound crap, and they will, more than likely, WILL be crap

    1. Wait and see. We'll know the truth soon enough.

    2. How can episodes with titles this bad possibly be good?

    3. Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover.

    4. In that context, it's supposed to be "its". And this is SHARON MILLER, where poor episode titles = poor stories, we're talking about, not Christopher Awdry, where "Thomas and his Friends" sounded bad but turned out to be quite good.

  2. Err, correction, everybody does! Thomas and the Rubbish Train and Percy and the Calliope sound average.

  3. Flash, Bang, Wallop is a song title.

  4. Sorry? Thomas Toots the Crows? Flash Bang Wallop? what bad titles! they are really running out off them!

  5. - Flash, Bang Wallop? sounds crap

    - Thomas and The Rubbish Train: Sounds average

    - Thomas toots the Crows? (Please not another 'Percy's New Friends'

    - Bust My Buffers Nice to see they gave a well-known catchphrase an episode, but sound average

    - Percy and the Calliope - That sounds average.

    Well I don't how they'll turn out, but better to wait and see.

  6. What even is a Calliope? - and, hopefully, as it's suposed to be, these are the last episodes of brain-melting rhyming. The new writing stye is supposed to take over during the second half - these are the last episodes of crap

    1. A Calliope is a musical instrument that plays music through steam. As for the writing to changer halfway, the change is going to be in S17.

  7. Theses all sound so great! :D

  8. I bet the NGE will be in the next set of episodes.

    1. Who cares if they are? Any episode with them in will be bad anyway (with the writing team that wrote S16 anyway)

  9. Hmmm....

    Flash Bang Wallop - Seems interesting ;)
    Thomas and the Rubbish Train - Again, sounds okay.
    Thomas Toots the Crows - Sounds terrible :(
    Bust My Buffers - Again, seems okay
    Percy and the Calliope - Seems bad.

    As with quite a few of the CGI episodes, they'll probably turn out to be bad :(

  10. What's wrong with you guys.
    Yous haven't even seen it and are all judgeing it's title.
    guess what ppl is't just a TITLE!!!!
    Get over it.

  11. CharlieTheFunEngine149 February 2012 at 06:10

    Percy And The Calliope?

    "Calliope: A keyboard instrument resembling an organ but with the notes produced by steam whistles, used chiefly on showboats and in traveling fairs."

    Rather a long word for the current writers to use, no?

  12. CharlieTheFunEngine149 February 2012 at 06:13

    This set of titles is far less promising than the last, but then again calliope is a rather large word for the current writers to use...

  13. Strange - no narrow gauge episodes. Possibly, Blue Mountain Mystery takes place before these episodes, and this season, like season 15, has been pushed forward?

  14. Looking forward to these GCI episodes, better than models any day in my o! :)pinion

    1. Your opinion, but sane fans must be watching a completely different CGI series than you are...
