Friday 3 February 2012

Updated: Season Sixteen in UK and episodes detailed

Season Sixteen of Thomas & Friends is finally confirmed for a broadcast date in the UK, just hours after the reveal of Australia's debut of the new season.

milkshake! on Channel 5 will start airing the 2012 Series at least four days after ABC2's transmission Down Under.

With Flynn recieving the first episode, four more episodes have been drawn out and detailed by digiguide.
Race to the Rescue

It's Flynn the Fire Engine's first day out on the road. He has had his wheels fixed by Victor. Now Flynn can roll on the roads as well as the tracks!

Transmits on Channel 5 milkshake! on Monday February 20th 2012 at 7:35am. Also on Channel 5 HD and an hour later at 8:35am on Channel 5 +1.
Ol' Wheezy Wobbles

It's a bad day on Misty Island. Ol' Wheezy has stopped working! The Logging Locos don't know what to do, but Thomas is sure he can help.

Transmits on Channel 5 milkshake! on Tuesday February 21st 2012 at 7:35am. Also on Channel 5 HD and an hour later at 8:35am on Channel 5 +1.
Express Coming Through

It's a big day on Sodor! The Fat Controller's mother, Dowager Hatt, is having a party and she has invited some very important visitors.

Transmits on Channel 5 milkshake! on Wednesday February 22nd 2012 at 7:35am. Also on Channel 5 HD and an hour later at 8:35am on Channel 5 +1.
Percy and the Monster of Brendam

On the island of Sodor, the fog is beginning to swirl into Brendam Docks. Percy is there, listening to one of Salty's tales!

Transmits on Channel 5 milkshake! on Thursday February 23rd 2012 at 7:35am. Also on Channel 5 HD and an hour later at 8:35am on Channel 5 +1.
Ho Ho Ho Snowman

Charlie loves the snow and decides to show Henry that it really can be fun! He hides behind a snowman and as Henry passes, Charlie pretends to be it!

Transmits on Channel 5 milkshake! on Friday February 24th 2012 at 7:35am. Also on Channel 5 HD and an hour later at 8:35am on Channel 5 +1.

Later details on newer episodes are due to be written up on digiguide's website in a weeks time and will do the same for the more dates to follow.

Season Sixteen of Thomas & Friends starts airing on Channel 5 on their milkshake! slot on Monday February 20th 2012 at 7:35am, with further episodes due to be clarified in the schedules.


  1. I really CANNOT WAIT! Fantastic news! Hope we still see the NG engines later on in the series. I can't say I'm overenthusiastic about the plotlines. Percy and the Monster of Brendam looks interesting - hope the fog isn't as thick as Spencer the Grand though. Race to the Rescue seems quite cool since we'll finally see Flynn on the Road. Express Coming Through sounds great and Ol' Wheezy Wobbles seems pretty boring - a bit like Jumping Jobi Wood! :P I'm keeping an open mind though because it's too early to tell for sure.

    1. HOORAY!!!!!!! Season Sixteen is finally airing!!! When I first saw that headline, I just shouted with joy! I'm thinking the same as you SteamTeam as I have really taken an eye on to Percy and the Monster of Brendam episode as it sounds alot like Percy and the Haunted Mine (which IMO was well written).

  2. They do not sound that good, to be honest. I'll watch, and HOPEFULLY I'll be converted, but I don't have high hopes.

    1. Well, one thing that has been noticable is that the epidode titles have CHANGED. They are alot more longer and more complex. For example - Percy And The Monster Of Brendam in previous seasons probably would've been rewritten as Percy's Scary Story. See? Looking at that comparison, it's seems that the show is showing high hopes of improving back to its classic roots (not to mention Andrew Brenner taking over as Head Writer).


    2. As for Ho Ho Ho Snowman - it looks like the worst episode out of the five to be honest. Although, it is a Henry episode so it might be better than I thought....

    3. @Jamie Longer titles doesn't mean better episodes. It just means they're running out of ideas for titles.

      @SteamTeam To be honest, they all look as bad as each other

  3. Wait so flynn was built with broken road wheels? How exactly does that work? ALthough I suppoose it does give a reason why he's not beed on the road yet.

  4. i'm Really Looking foward To seeing Percy & the Monster of Brendam and Express Coming Through. the other 2 sound like the everyday Sharon Miller Episodes.

  5. CharlieTheFunEngine144 February 2012 at 03:17

    @ Steam Team - I hope you'll be uploading these to YouTube! Thanks in advance...

    1. I already have an account for it ;) It's TTTEpisodeS16

  6. Re:Ol' Wheezy Wobbles Oh good, 'cause we need an episode about that clanking pile of crap not working. :p

  7. I hope old characters like Oliver, Arthur, Duck, Jack and the Pack, Bill and Ben, Fergus, BoCo etc come back.
