Sunday 26 February 2012

SiF spills beans on Nitrogen depature and Arc future

The SiF team's blog have taken the time to let Thomas & Friends fans know that the future of the show will not be wasted.

With the writing of the series, especially in its 2011 year stint, getting the poorly recieved reaction that it had and the cancellation of Nitrogen Studios' animation commitments, the show entered a dark phase.
Over the backlash of Hit Entertainment being deemed responsible for Nitrogen's end for the animation creative control, Ryan from the team has confirmed that this was not the case.

He has revealed not only the real reason for the Vancouver based company's leaving, but also the promises that the show will deliver starting from 2013.

Behind the scenes, Series Seventeen of Thomas & Friends is to be aided by Head Writer Andrew Brenner and Arc Productions' Kallan Kagan and Rob Silvestri


  1. It's only moody students and teenagers that are complaining! The young "True blue" Thomas fans such as my 3 year old son are loving the current stories!

    1. Speaking as a moody 20-something here, we "complain" because the current generation of fans shouldn't have grow up watching such rubbish. Why accept mediocrity for your kids when the writing could be so much better? As the blog post implies, evidently HiT have finally recognised improvements need to be made in that area and I applaud them.

    2. I like how you guys will whine about Thomas, but you won't do anything else. Last time I checked, several, several well loved tv shows like House and Law & Order use "three strikes" in their episodes. Get off your high horses and just admit you guys don't watch anything else.

    3. Why don't you actually look at the messages being portrayed in the current episodes and see what you infer from them as a 'learned' adult, and then perhaps you'll see what these moody students and teenagers are 'complaining' about.

    4. We "won't do anything else"? A lot of older fans end up making their own fanfics or videos. Many are of a better standard than the repetitive drivel HiT has turned out lately.

      "Three strikes" - I wouldn't mind this format if just a bit more thought and creativity went it the writing. You know, not having characters repeating the exact same dialogue three times over. It's incredibly lazy writing, and I doubt adult dramas like House use the format in quite the same way.

      "just admit you guys don't watch anything else" - Thomas is the only current kids TV show I keep up with, mainly out of nostalgia and the hope the quality get better. Otherwise, I tend to watch anime and comedies in my spare time.

      Are you the original anon I was replying to? Please clear this up, as I'm curious.

  2. Hooray!It's about time! I can't belive how horrid the current writing is! And in rsponse to the a SiF rewiew of an episode and then you'll see why fans are happy.

    1. Thomas is a preschool property. They not going to take any notice of what grumpy old fans say. The way 1980's kids have grown up is the reason why classic characters have to be changed.

    2. No, but the current administration accept the fact that the storylines they churn out have questionable morals and the the rigid storylining structure of the moment is not working.

      As for the way the kids of the 1980s have grown up, we're the ones who are bringing the next generation into this world - and I for one want my children to share in quality output where they may actually learn something that could benefit them in their everyday lives.

    3. Just stop. Go back and look at the older episodes. Please tell me what the moral of Breakvan, Bulstrode, Toad Stands By and several other stories are. The only thing Thomas teaches you is colors and numbers. It's obvious by the way you fans act that none of you take anything in this series to heart, considering how negative, cynical, rude you are. So stop with the moral rants, not everybody is on your side.

    4. For at least two of those episodes, it would be: 'stand up for yourself and don't give in to bullies', and the other, 'bullies always get what's coming to them'. So it's not just 'colours and numbers' at all - it's positive messages to live life by.
