Wednesday 16 May 2012

Exclusive: Mattel enunciates 'Sodor Blackout' rumours

Toy manufacturer, Mattel has addressed recent rumours about particular TrackMaster stocks coming soon.

It was recently emerged that Toby would take the reigns of a set subtitled, Sodor Blackout. A few days later, Duck sparked a frenzy of indulgement when it appeared that he would gain a similar impact aswell.
The continuation of the supposed type of series had the Thomas fandom questioning on whether a fresh special, episode or merchandising arc looked to be on the cards.

Duck's inclusion on the Fisher Price goods generated predictions on an imminent return to the TV Series. Mattel who own Fisher Price have issued a statement in response to the gossip that Roll Along Thomas can reveal.

Typically the Trackmaster Thomas sets are themed after TV episodes, movies, and other media outlets. The Sodor Blackout series would be one such theme.

The TrackMaster Sodor Blackout sets from Fisher Price hit toy shelves worldwide soon.

Thanks to SteamTeam.


  1. It's a step in the right direction at least! Now we just wait and see! Fingers crossed......

  2. Smile is on my face as I type this! I'm now do excited to see what Andrew Brenner has in store!

    1. So excited*. iPhone's auto correct can be so annoying at times...

  3. I believe I've just put 2 and 2 together... In your interview with Mr. Blewitt, He said he was working on a song... for an episode. And from what I understand, Sodor Blackout will indeed be a special Series/Special. They don't just make songs for any random episode willy nilly...

    1. I think that is very clever. I never thought of that and it does sound very plausible

  4. Well I believe is OK to get your hopes up now :) Great to see that Duck is returning under Andrew Brenner, who knows what more characters he would bring back.
