Thursday 8 May 2014

Exclusive: Hit explains UK and US DVD format changes

Hit Entertainment have revealed the reasons behind format changes to recent DVD releases.

2014 saw a shift in focus with the brand's DVDs, reflecting the TV series' fresh continuation in Season 17.

In late January in the UK, The Thomas Way's associating credits were removed in between episodes, allowing a better flow through its feature.
In March, rumours proved true when Spills & Thrills became the first regular US DVD to be presented in widescreen, continuing with Trouble on the Tracks.

On the now popular changes, Hit spoke with Roll Along Thomas about the initiatives, starting with the US.

As most TV households have televisions that show programing optimally in widescreen, we are pleased to offer Thomas & Friends in a widescreen format that best showcases our content.

Their answer also applied to the UK market; We work closely with our distributor to release content in formats that best suit the needs of our fans and consumers.

Last week saw Universal Studios Home Entertainment announced as the successors to Lionsgate Entertainment, distributing future US DVD releases beginning in October.