Thursday 17 November 2011

Five exciting DVD's announced for Britain have revealed that five new DVD releases will be on it's way to the United Kingdom in 2012.

First up for late January is Thomas in Charge! which has since been out in the US this July. The mixed Season title is expected to include the same episodes as the Americans had.

The episodes that originally accompained the release were of course Thomas in Charge, Henry's Good Deeds, O the Indignity and A Blooming Mess.
Next up is the promisingly two themed Best of DVD's which focus on James and Percy in The Best of James and The Best of Percy respectively.

James' special title will run approximately at 150 minutes long with Percy's coming in at 155. Both will recieve a mix of various selected episodes considered the best by Hit Entertainment for the fans.

Fans wishing that there would be more Complete Series releases have been granted with the announcement of The Complete Series 13 coming out.
All twenty episodes of the 2010 Season which followed on from 2009's Hero of the Rails special are to be included totalling up the run time to 200 minutes.

Finally the revelation that the Americans were to be recieving their third Fifteenth Season DVD will be a first for the Britain as it will be carried on over from March.
Not much is known of Up, Up and Away!, other than the fact that two episodes have been billed by Fisher Price products from America.

The five home video titles for next year will hit UK DVD shelves starting from January 23rd 2012.

Release schedule;
Thomas in Charge!, January 23rd 2012.
The Best of James, February 6th 2012.
The Best of Percy, February 6th 2012.
The Complete Series 13, February 13th 2012.
Up, Up and Away!, March 19th 2012.



  1. I can't wait for these!!! Wish they had spaced them out a little more though - gonna be hard to afford all of these so close together! Especially looking forward to the "Best of" releases - hope they feature some restored episodes from early seasons!

  2. Best of Percy and James are more than likely gonna be similar to the US releases, only with more episodes (hopefully they pick the RIGHT ones, rather than the Best of Thomas).

    Series 13 is a must buy, I love the Complete DVDs, they are extremely good value for money (even though the episodes aren't up to scratch).

    The other two I wouldn't touch with a barge pole, especially Up Up and Away...

  3. CharlieTheFunEngine1418 November 2011 at 06:07

    Sure hope The Complete Series and 12 and 13 DVDs make it down here to Australia eventually. The newest complete season out here is still Season 11...
