Monday 21 November 2011

Four early 2012 DVD's given front covers

Four of the UK's upcoming DVD titles which arrive starting from the early point of 2012 have had their covers published. have be on board to update each of their pages, first with their revelations, synopsis and now their cover arts. 

Thomas in Charge! has yet to be given the full British classifications and additional texts treatment but will still carry it's original US front. 
The Best of James and The Best of Percy include the engines on their respectful covers with the same font as seen on The Best of Thomas release. 

The Best of Thomas is to be reissued to online and in store suppliers to match the look and feel of the above two engines' artworks.

A notable sign seen on the top left of the covers tie-ing with their contents reads; 2 1/2 Hours from 1984 to Today.
The Complete Series 13 is showing more promises as it is now retaining the original layout design as seen on The Complete Series 12's cover, but with some differences.

In the style of the Classic Collection releases before their makeovers in 2010, an animated Thomas appears with the background colour changed to gold.

Lastly, the UK are now officially the first to reveal the Up, Up and Away! main cover instead of the US.
With the additional British treatment missing, Thomas and Percy star on the cover alongside the big balloon as seen in it's main episode and text reading; High-flying adventures with Thomas!

The five home video titles for next year will hit UK DVD shelves starting from January 23rd 2012.

Release schedule;
Thomas in Charge!, January 23rd 2012.
The Best of James, February 6th 2012.
The Best of Percy, February 6th 2012.
The Complete Series 13, February 13th 2012.
Up, Up and Away!, March 19th 2012.


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